Dartmouth College

Dartmouth Academy was accustomed in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock, a Congregational minister. Afterwards a continued aeon of banking and political struggles, Dartmouth emerged in the aboriginal 20th aeon from about obscurity.
Dartmouth's 269-acre (1.09 km2) campus is in the rural Upper Valley arena of New Hampshire. Participation in contest and the school's Greek arrangement is strong. Dartmouth's 34 varsity sports teams attempt in the Ivy League appointment of the NCAA Division I. Acceptance are able-bodied accepted for attention a array of able campus traditions
See also: List of presidents of Dartmouth College
Dartmouth was founded by Eleazar Wheelock, a Puritan abbot from Columbia, Connecticut, who had ahead approved to authorize a academy to alternation Native Americans as missionaries. Wheelock's apparent afflatus for such an enactment resulted from his accord with Mohegan Indian Samson Occom. Occom became an advancing abbot afterwards belief beneath Wheelock from 1743 to 1747, and after confused to Continued Island to deliver to the Montauks.
Wheelock founded Moor's Indian Charity Academy in 1755. The Charity Academy accepted somewhat successful, but added allotment was all-important to abide school's operations, and Wheelock approved the advice of accompany to accession money. Occom, accompanied by the Reverend Nathaniel Whitaker, catholic to England in 1766 to accession money from churches. With these funds, they accustomed a assurance to advice Wheelock. The arch of the assurance was a Methodist called William Legge, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth
The Allotment of Dartmouth Academy on affectation in Baker Memorial Library. The Allotment was active on December 13, 1769, on account of King George III of Great Britain.
Although the armamentarium provided Wheelock abounding banking abutment for the Charity School, Wheelock had agitation recruiting Indians to the institution, primarily because its area was far from affiliated territories. In gluttonous to aggrandize the academy into a college, Wheelock relocated it to Hanover, in the Province of New Hampshire. The move from Connecticut followed a diffuse and sometimes arresting accomplishment to acquisition assets and defended a charter. The Royal Governor of New Hampshire, John Wentworth, provided the acreage aloft which Dartmouth would be congenital and on December 13, 1769, issued the allotment in the name of King George III establishing the College. That allotment created a academy "for the apprenticeship and apprenticeship of Adolescence of the Indian Tribes in this Acreage in reading, autograph & all locations of Acquirements which shall arise all-important and expedient for adorning & christianizing Children of Pagans as able-bodied as in all advanced Arts and Sciences and aswell of English Adolescence and any others." The advertence to educating Native American adolescence was included to affix Dartmouth to the Charity Academy and accredit use of the Charity School's unspent assurance funds. Called for William Legge, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth—an important adherent of Eleazar Wheelock's beforehand efforts but who, in fact, against conception of the Academy and never donated to it—Dartmouth is the nation's ninth oldest academy and the endure academy of academy acquirements accustomed beneath Colonial rule.The Academy accepted its aboriginal degrees in 1771.
Main article: List of Dartmouth Academy buildings
"This is what a academy is declared to attending like."
— Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953
Dartmouth Academy is anchored in the rural boondocks of Hanover, New Hampshire, amid in the Upper Valley forth the Connecticut River in New England. Its 269-acre (1.09 km2) campus is centered on a 5-acre (2 ha) "Green",[80] a above acreage of ache copse austere in 1771. Dartmouth is the better clandestine backer of the boondocks of Hanover, and its absolute landholdings and accessories are account an estimated $434 million. In accession to its campus in Hanover, Dartmouth owns 4,500 acreage (18 km2) of Mount Moosilauke in the White Mountains[84] and a 27,000-acre (110 km2) amplitude of acreage in arctic New Hampshire accepted as the Second Academy Grant.
American Elm on Dartmouth Academy campus, June 2011
Dartmouth's campus barrio alter in age from Wentwort and Thornton Halls of the 1820s (the oldest actual barrio complete by the college) to new dormitories and mathematics accessories completed in 2006.[86][87] Most of Dartmouth's barrio are advised in the Georgian American colonial style,[88][89][90] a affair which has been preserved in contempo architectural additions. The Academy has actively approved to abate carbon emissions and activity acceptance on campus, earning it the brand of A- from the Sustainable Endowments Institute on its Academy Sustainability Report Card 2008.
Academic facilities
The Hopkins Center
The college's artistic and assuming arts ability is the Hopkins Centermost for the Arts ("the Hop"). Opened in 1962, the Hop houses the College's drama, music, film, and flat arts departments, as able-bodied as a woodshop, ceramics studio, and adornment flat which are accessible for use by acceptance and faculty. The architecture was advised by the acclaimed artist Wallace Harrison, who would after architecture the similar-looking façade of Manhattan's Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center. Itscover two theaters and one 900-seat auditorium. The Hop is aswell the area of all apprentice mailboxes ("Hinman boxes")and the Courtyard Café dining facility. The Hop is affiliated to the Hood Building of Art, arguably Arctic America's oldest building in connected operation,and the Loew Auditorium, area films are screened
A appearance of the Sherman Fairchild Physical Science Centermost and Wheeler Hall from the belfry of Baker Memorial Library
In accession to its 19 alum programs in the arts and sciences, Dartmouth is home to three abstracted alum schools. The Geisel Academy of Medicine is amid in a circuitous on the arctic ancillary of campus and includes laboratories, classrooms, offices, and a biomedical library. The Dartmouth–Hitchcock Medical Center, amid several afar to the south in Lebanon, New Hampshire, contains a 396-bed teaching hospital for the Medical School. The Thayer Academy of Engineering and the Tuck Academy of Business are both amid at the end of Tuck Mall, west of the centermost of campus and abreast the Connecticut River. The Thayer Academy anon comprises two buildings; Tuck has seven bookish and authoritative buildings, as able-bodied as several accepted areas.The two alum schools allotment a library, the Feldberg Business & Engineering Library.
Dartmouth College
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